[Big Evening With Papou]  


Big Evening With Papou started with an idea from Dean Tripodes, creator of the Greek American brand mascots Papou and Yia Yia Mary. Dean's digital ad agency Baywalk Marketing found receptivity in marketing to the Greek diaspora with the familiar characters of a virtual Greek grandfather and grandmother. Sometimes humor is the best way to communicate. If we can laugh together, then we are more likely to remember the humor and the message. Like a real Greek grandmother, our virtual Yia Yia has words of wisdom with fun and humor added in. Papou has the diplomacy and skills to offer his Greek grandfatherly advice too. See Yia Yia Mary for examples of the characters helping promote organizations and events.

By fall 2013, Dean wanted to create webisodes of a Greek American talk show with Papou as the host. Advertisements were launched on February 17, 2014 announcing that Papou was taking over late night television — along with a more famous talk show host launching that day too.

Following several talk show teaser promotions, Dean discussed the concept with director and writer Michael Carvaines (Time and Tide and The Sleep of Reason), who agreed to lead the creative aspect of the new Greek American talk show. With Michael's guidance, we are proud to say —

Countdown to Big Evening... Coming soon... ...Greek time
to a video stream near you !!

[Big Evening With Papou]
The first talk show advertisement was launched on February 17, 2014

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