About Big EveningBig Evening With Papou is a Greek American talk show directed by Michael Carvaines and produced by Dean Tripodes. Filmed in southern California, Big Evening welcomes guests with a tie to the Greek diaspora, from Greek Americans, Greek Canadians, Greek Australians, and every else in the world that Greeks have journeyed. We typically shoot several episodes once a month, with a new episode scheduled to be launched on Fridays. About PapouPapou was born in Ikaria, Greece (home of the Blue Zone where people live longer), and immigrated to the United States when he was a teenager. He grew up in Ohio with traditional midwestern values that he transplanted to California when he moved out here with his family. His supporting wife Yia Yia Mary is involved in several behind the scenes aspects of the show. In addition, she is involved with several ladies auxiliary organizations, and helping many Hellenic Festivals throughout North America with her leadership and gourmet cooking skills. Together they have four children and many grandchildren, nephews and nieces too. Friends of the Big Evening talk show are encouraged to join us. One of Papou's favorite saying is that loyalty should always be rewarded. More InformationHow It StartedFind out more about us and how the Big Evening talk show started. | |||||